[红日安全]代码审计Day10 — 程序未恰当exit导致的问题

本文转载自先知社区:https://xz.aliyun.com/t/2668 本文由红日安全成员: 七月火 编写,如有不当,还望斧正。前言大家好,我们是红日安全-代码审计小组。最近…
Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer 阅读上述分析后,我不知道您是否对 未正确退出程序 所造成的攻击有了更深入的了解。本文中使用的  CMS 可以在这里使用(  FengCms 1.32   Simple-Log1.6 )下载当然,如果文本有问题,我希望你会成为斧头。如果您对我们的项目感兴趣,请随时发送电子邮件至  hongrisec@gmail.com  Day10 的分析文章就在这里,我们最后留下了一个CTF主题供大家练习,主题如下: //  index.php < PHP 包括 'config.php'; 函数  stophack($ string){      if(is_array($ string)){          foreach($ string  as  $ key =>  $ val)  {              $ string [$ key] =  stophack($ val); Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer Failure when receiving data from the peer
  • 发表于 2018-09-06 08:00
  • 阅读 ( 633 )
  • 分类:黑客技术



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